Cybersecurity Questions Every C-Suite Needs to Ask Their IT Team


Most organizations prioritize teamwork, but often the C-suite plays more of a coaching or managerial role. Outside of the CISO, top executives tend to focus on setting strategies, rallying the team, and steering the company toward success. However, when defending data from cyberattacks, traditional responsibility boundaries start to blur. That’s because cybersecurity is no longer a sideline issue managed solely by IT departments; it has evolved into a critical component that touches every facet of the organization, from the mailroom to the boardroom.

A new kind of teamwork is now needed to address this shift, one in which every C-suite member is actively involved. With personal and professional stakes at an all-time high; when a single breach could spell disaster, an organization’s entire leadership must step up their game.


9 Security Questions To Ask Your IT Team

The good news is you can jump-start this contemporary approach with just nine simple questions. A vast majority of executives feel confident in their cybersecurity strategies, but the truth is only a fraction are truly well-prepared. This disconnect calls for a holistic and engaged approach that ensures the company’s future. Here’s how to find out if your organization is truly prepared.

1. Are We Providing Our Employees With Adequate Training?

Security awareness training educates employees to recognize and respond to security threats effectively. Effective programs combine various teaching methods to meet industry-specific compliance, change behaviors permanently, and engage with employees frequently using microlearning techniques.

As a premier partner recognized for excellence in best managed security service provider lists, Choice Solutions is dedicated to collaborating closely with you. We’ll take the time to truly grasp your environment, concerns, and business goals. By doing so, we can pinpoint the most critical security challenges facing your organization. Together, we’ll establish priorities aimed at minimizing risks and shielding your business from today’s sophisticated cyber threats. With state-of-the-art monitoring technologies and cloud solutions at our disposal, our team of experts is ready to empower businesses in avoiding system failures while enhancing overall efficiency and workflow.

2. What Compliance Standards Apply to Our Handling of Sensitive Data?

Compliance can be a daunting task, often involving adhering to multiple standards or security frameworks, each with varying degrees of rigor. Most organizations follow 1-3 guidelines, but some must manage six or more, creating an even greater challenge for meeting all requirements. Experts recommend adopting the most stringent requirements from each standard to tackle this challenge and ensure full compliance.

3. Are Our Security Experts Actively Monitoring 24×7?

For most organizations, the answer to this question is “No,” and here’s why:

  • Round-the-clock in-house security comes with high costs and staffing challenges.
  • There is an ongoing, global shortage of qualified professionals and a lack of necessary expertise.

For these and other reasons, many companies now turn to managed service providers (MSPs) like Choice Solutions to connect with the technology solutions they need to succeed today and be prepared for tomorrow. Our security team is watching around the clock and our 24×7 team is available to take action.

4. Do We Need a CISO?

Most organizations now use, generate, and store data, but most would benefit from giving security a seat at the C-suite table. Appointing a Chief Information Security Officer ensures dedicated leadership for navigating today’s complex cybersecurity challenges.

5. How Efficiently and Effectively Do We Allocate Our Cybersecurity Resources?

Many enterprises believe investing in numerous tools is the best way to strengthen their cybersecurity posture. However, in cybersecurity, more technology is not necessarily better. For cybersecurity to be as effective as possible, you need human security experts.

6. Is Our Current Cyber Insurance Policy Sufficient, or Do We Need More?

As attacks become more sophisticated and likely, organizations need to obtain a cyber insurance policy that meets current needs:

  • The average ransom is now $450,000. SMBs could face financial fallout, including bankruptcy from an attack.
  • The operational and reputational harm from not paying a ransom can be greater than yielding to the monetary demands.

7. Can We Confidently Identify Where Our Data Is and How It’s Secured?

Much like auto mechanics meticulously maintain their tools of the trade, an information security program ensures data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Organizations must continually track their data’s location, sensitivity, compliance requirements, usage, access, and lifecycle, because it is often central to their operations.

8. What Is the #1 Cybersecurity Threat We Face Right Now?

Law enforcement efforts have led to a recent drop in the number of attacks, but ransomware remains the number one data security concern, and for good reason. This malicious software limits or restricts an organization’s users from accessing their servers, workstations, mobile devices, and other IT systems until a ransom is paid.

Key points every executive should know include:

  • Cybercriminals are constantly developing new variants, and an attack can devastate businesses large and small, leading to operational disruptions, data and financial losses, and reputational harm.
  • Infections often occur through phishing emails containing malicious links or attachments that, when opened, exploit software vulnerabilities and weak credentials.
  • Paying a ransom doesn’t guarantee that files will be recovered and appears to further incentivize cybercriminals. Backups and security updates are crucial preventive measures.

9. Are We Prepared To Respond to a Cybersecurity Emergency?

When cyberattacks escalate, organizations need a partner to help:

  • Remove the threat
  • Find the compromise source
  • Document events
  • Restore operations to pre-incident conditions, preventing future issues

A few important follow up questions are:

  • What is our Business Continuity plan?
  • Do we validate it regularly?
  • Do we have protected copies of our data?
  • What is our Recovery Point Objective (RPO)?
  • What is our Recovery Time Objective (RTO)?

Trust the Security Experts at Choice Solutions

Every member of the C-suite must actively engage in safeguarding their company’s digital assets. With the potential consequences of a breach looming large, complacency is not an option. Understanding your organization’s security needs is crucial, ensuring robust strategies are in place to mitigate risks effectively.

As a leading MSP, Choice Solutions helps organizations streamline their cybersecurity efforts. Our team of IT experts delivers customized solutions that enhance security, optimize performance, and meet specific business needs. Contact us today and discover how Choice Solutions can empower your organization to navigate the complex cybersecurity landscape with confidence.


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Our Business Continuity Plan is designed to keep business up and running during any crisis.

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