Prevent and Protect against Business Email Compromise with Pax8 and Proofpoint


In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, the threat of Business Email Compromise (BEC) represents a critical challenge for businesses across the globe. As cybercriminals become more sophisticated and continuously craft new methods to infiltrate corporate communication, a robust security posture is no longer optional – it’s essential. Leveraging the strengths of Proofpoint and Pax8, businesses can create a formidable barrier against these threats.

Email Security

Understanding Business Email Compromise 

Business Email Compromise is not just a threat to multinational conglomerates; it’s a pervasive risk for businesses of all sizes. In one compelling case study shared during our webinar, a small law firm fell prey to cybercriminals who had stealthily compromised their email system months prior. This incident underscores the importance of vigilance and comprehensive cybersecurity strategies. It’s a stark reminder that no organization is too small to be a target and that while crucial, cyber insurance must be accompanied by rigorous cybersecurity standards. 

The Proofpoint and Pax8 Approach to Cybersecurity 

With BEC incidents on the rise, it’s clear that more than traditional security measures are required. This is where Proofpoint and Pax8 step in – offering advanced tools and expertise that go beyond conventional defenses.

Proofpoint’s state-of-the-art phishing awareness reports are a testament to their commitment to email security. By analyzing trends and educating users on the latest phishing tactics, Proofpoint equips businesses with the knowledge to preempt email threats. Their solutions excel at identifying suspicious email activities, such as altered bank account details, which could indicate a BEC attempt. This proactive approach to threat detection is crucial in intercepting fraudulent transactions before they occur. 

Pax8: Streamlining Cybersecurity Integration 

Pax8 complements Proofpoint’s protective measures by ensuring that the right communication tools are in place and properly secured. During our webinar, it was emphasized that while robust tools are necessary, the human element, the end-user, must also be protected from making mistakes that could lead to security breaches. Pax8’s solutions help create a secure, user-friendly environment where employees can confidently communicate without compromising organizational security. 

Tailoring BEC Prevention Strategies 

Prevention strategies against BEC involve a combination of technological tools and user education. Proofpoint and Pax8 advocate for a practical approach to cybersecurity, encouraging businesses to evaluate their cyber defenses and adjust accordingly continuously. By leveraging partners’ expertise like Choice Solutions, companies can navigate the complex cybersecurity landscape with more confidence and strategic direction. 

Fostering a Secure Technology Environment 

A secure technology environment is the backbone of any modern business. Proofpoint and Pax8 play a pivotal role in ensuring that employees have access to a safe and consistent workspace, balancing the need for security with user accessibility. By safeguarding the applications and services that form the core of daily business operations, they help maintain control over sensitive data and intellectual property. 

Technology as a Cornerstone for Talent and Growth 

Beyond security, the proper technological framework is instrumental in attracting and retaining top talent. During a webinar we recently hosted, the role of technology as a catalyst for a positive company culture and employee satisfaction were highlighted. Proofpoint and Pax8 don’t just protect businesses; they empower them to leverage technology to foster growth and focus on business goals with peace of mind.  

Proofpoint and Pax8 have become a dynamic duo in the quest to fortify businesses against the escalating threat of Business Email Compromise. By providing advanced tools and strategic guidance, they enable businesses to defend against BEC and create an environment where security and productivity go hand in hand. 

For those ready to enhance their defense against BEC and build a resilient future, our team is prepared to guide you through the next steps. Let’s connect and explore how we can fortify your business email security together. 


What is Business Email Compromise (BEC), and why is it a threat to businesses?

Business Email Compromise, or BEC, is a cyber threat where criminals deceive companies into sending them money or sensitive information through email fraud. It’s a concern for businesses big and small because these scams are becoming more sophisticated, and getting tricked by one can lead to significant financial losses and data breaches.

Are small businesses also at risk of BEC?

Absolutely, small businesses are not immune to BEC attacks. They may be even more vulnerable because they often have fewer resources to invest in advanced cybersecurity measures. A real-life example we’ve seen involved a compromised small law firm, highlighting that every business should be aware and prepared regardless of size.

How do Proofpoint and Pax8 help protect against BEC?

Proofpoint and Pax8 offer a combination of cutting-edge tools and expertise to combat BEC. Proofpoint focuses on email security, providing reports on phishing trends and tools to detect suspicious activities, such as unexpected changes in bank account details. Pax8 ensures these tools are seamlessly integrated into your communication systems and that your staff is educated to prevent costly mistakes.

Why is continuous evaluation of cybersecurity measures important?

Cyber threats are constantly evolving, so staying ahead requires that your cybersecurity measures evolve, too. Continuously evaluating and updating your defenses ensures you’re always protected against the latest tactics used by cybercriminals. Proofpoint and Pax8 recommend a dynamic approach that includes both technology and user training to guard against BEC effectively.

What can businesses do to start improving their email security against BEC?

To strengthen your defenses against BEC, partnering with cybersecurity experts like Proofpoint, Pax8, and Choice Solutions is key. These partnerships can provide the tools and strategic guidance necessary to defend your email systems effectively. If you’re ready to take that step, contacting a knowledgeable team to explore tailored security solutions is a great way to start.


What is Business Email Compromise (BEC), and why is it a threat to businesses?

Business Email Compromise, or BEC, is a cyber threat where criminals deceive companies into sending them money or sensitive information through email fraud. It’s a concern for businesses big and small because these scams are becoming more sophisticated, and getting tricked by one can lead to significant financial losses and data breaches.

Are small businesses also at risk of BEC?

Absolutely, small businesses are not immune to BEC attacks. They may be even more vulnerable because they often have fewer resources to invest in advanced cybersecurity measures. A real-life example we’ve seen involved a compromised small law firm, highlighting that every business should be aware and prepared regardless of size.

How do Proofpoint and Pax8 help protect against BEC?

Proofpoint and Pax8 offer a combination of cutting-edge tools and expertise to combat BEC. Proofpoint focuses on email security, providing reports on phishing trends and tools to detect suspicious activities, such as unexpected changes in bank account details. Pax8 ensures these tools are seamlessly integrated into your communication systems and that your staff is educated to prevent costly mistakes.

Why is continuous evaluation of cybersecurity measures important?

Cyber threats are constantly evolving, so staying ahead requires that your cybersecurity measures evolve, too. Continuously evaluating and updating your defenses ensures you’re always protected against the latest tactics used by cybercriminals. Proofpoint and Pax8 recommend a dynamic approach that includes both technology and user training to guard against BEC effectively.

What can businesses do to start improving their email security against BEC?

To strengthen your defenses against BEC, partnering with cybersecurity experts like Proofpoint, Pax8, and Choice Solutions is key. These partnerships can provide the tools and strategic guidance necessary to defend your email systems effectively. If you’re ready to take that step, contacting a knowledgeable team to explore tailored security solutions is a great way to start.

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